
Open 50

Open 50 structures inspections were carried out as part of a pre-purchase survey for a client in France. Here you can see one of the transvers frames has delamination.

11.58m Yacht

As part of a pre-purchase survey is to confirm the structures of a vessel. Here you can see the transverse and longitudinal frames and bow slamming core are in good condition on an offshore sailing yacht.

Imoca 60

Imoca 60 bow section being inspected around the crash box area for any anomalies before competing in the Vendee Globe race.

1898 Drifter

Fastener inspections were carried out on this grand old lady after it came out of the shed with a new paint job. Unfortunately two weeks later rust was leaching from some of the fasteners.  These were marked removed and replaced with new.

Balsa Core

Balsa core inspections using NDT give an accurate view of what area is damaged or rotten and a plan can be put in place to renew with minimum cost and downtime.


Osmosis inspections are carried out on all types of composite built vessels that use different types of build techniques in there construction. Thermal imaging gives an accurate picture of the laminates when osmosis is present.